Design Source has helped furnish some of the most functional and beautiful commercial interiors in Utah since 1991. We are very proud to work with all of the talented individuals that make Salt Lake City one of the best cities in the nation to live and work. Our goal every day is to be a valuable resource to those individuals and make certain that we are an advocate for our clients before, during and after the project has been completed

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The products showcased here are just a few selected from hundreds available from our partners. Our goal is to feature what’s new, popular, or otherwise remarkable. Come back often and watch for team insights along the way.


Design Source is Utah’s exclusive distributor for multiple top commercial furniture brands. We are fortunate to represent some of the best manufacturers in the commercial furniture industry. The depth of our offering allows us to be an extensive resource for today’s workplace. Visit our online showcase of some of favorite products:


In addition to showcases on this website, we offer lookbooks, links to partner resources, and a conveniently located showroom near downtown Salt Lake City where you can come by and experience our products, browse our sample library and enjoy a treat.

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